Call Of Dragons Darkling Patrols, Darkling Guards, Darkling Creatures, and Darkling Forts: Complete Guide

Call of Dragons gives players many opportunities to earn big and grow faster. There are many neutral units on the map of Call of Dragons with which we can engage and earn amazing rewards. One of these units is darkling.

Call of Dragons Defeat Waves of Darkling has fantastic rewards and prizes for the players. There are different aspects of darkling that players should be familiar with. There are Darkling Patrols, Darkling Guards, Darkling Creatures, and Darkling Forts.

There are different levels of darkling units; higher levels have better rewards and prizes. We have discussed the darkling in detail in this article. We have also shared the defeating strategies for all the darkling units.

Darkling Patrols

Darkling patrols are common darkling units, and you can find many of them on the map near your city. There are 25 levels of darkling patrols that we can find.

To attack each darling patrol, we need to spend 50 command points. But if we use peacekeeping heroes with a peacekeeping talent tree, this amount can go down to 40 command points.

Searching for Patrols

Even though many darkling patrols are on the map, you can also search for them to find their exact locations using the search option. The search option automatically finds lower-level patrols ranging from level 1 to level 12.

A search might need some effort for higher-level patrols ranging from level 13 to 25. The search option has a range of limitations for the higher-level patrols. So, if there is no darkling patrol near your city, you will zoom out of the map and look for them manually.

Attacking Strategy

The best way to attack the darkling patrol is with all the five marches you have. This doesn’t affect the rewards or the prize you get but makes the attacking easier and faster. On top of that, you will lose a tiny number of your troops.

Another strategy you can choose is to attack with an alliance member. You can even destroy the high-level patrols and get more rewards. Both the alliance members will get equal rewards, which is great for both players.

Defeating Rewards

The defeating rewards of darkling patrols depend on what level of patrol you have defeated. But usually, the rewards are general, and almost the same items are in the prize. Rewards from defeating darkling patrols are listed below.

  • Resources
  • Speedups
  • Experience Items

Darkling Creatures

Darkling creatures are stronger than darkling patrols. And their levels are also usually higher than patrols. Their levels range from level 7 to level 25. They are also spread across the whole map of Call of Dragons, but they are in fewer numbers compared to the darkling patrols

Defeating Strategy

Defeating darkling creatures can be difficult as they are a strong darkling unit. It is suggested that a peacemaking commander be used to attack darkling creatures as they are more effective and can also save you command points.

They can be easily killed if you have strong heroes. Also, try to get your technology on a good level, as this will help you fight better against higher-level darkling creatures, and you can win big rewards this way.


The rewards we get by defeating darkling creatures are usually standard, but one prize is more valuable than the other, which is Arcana dust. It is used to level up the artifacts. The rewards of defeating dark creatures are listed below.

  • Resources
  • Arcana Dust
  • Experience Items

Darkling Guards

The darkling guards are a group of darkling patrols and creatures, which means they will also be stronger than them. Another different darkling guard is that it doesn’t wander around on the map, but we must summon them to attack them.

Every player should add defeating darkling guards to their daily Call of Dragons activity. It is extremely important because it has the most amazing rewards and can be a changing point in your gameplay.

Summoning Guards

There is a daily task called Defeat Darkling Legion. We have to do that every day, and we will get the dark key as a reward for this activity. This key is the only way to summon the Call of Dragons Darkling Guards.

We can only use two dark keys daily, so we can only summon darkling guards twice daily. So, we should be prepared to defeat them. We can also store five dark keys for future use.


We suggest defeating darkling guards every day because of the amazing rewards it has for us. The best of these is the legendary essences, which we can use to upgrade our artifacts. Not only that, there is a chance that we can get legendary artifacts as a prize by defeating darkling guards. So, make sure to attack them every day.

The rewards players usually get are listed below.

  • Resources
  • Arcana Dust
  • Artifacts
  • Legendary Essences

Darkling Forts

Darkling forts are extremely important in Call of Dragons. They are the hub for all the darkling units and act as Call of Dragons Darklings Shelters, which is why it is very challenging to destroy the darkling forts. There are six levels of darkling forts.

Attacking Strategy

We cannot attack the darkling forts like the other darkling units. We need an alliance to attack these forts, especially for levels 4 to 6. We will need a strong alliance with strong players and good tech.

To start an attack on the Call of Dragons Darkling Forts, we will need 150 command points. We can also start a rally towards the forts, but there has to be one alliance member in that rally.

We also recommend letting a play-to-win player start the rally as he has better heroes and technology, and you will have a better chance of winning the battle with minimum damage.

Defeating Rewards

Darkling forts are considered so important because of their rewards. Some of its rewards are pretty basic, as we get from defeating other darkling units, but one of these rewards the most is the treaty.

Treaty is the most important currency in the Call of Dragons. We need a lot of them to upgrade the rally building. Destroying darkling forts is a great source of these treaties. Other prizes we get from darkling forts are listed below.

  • Resources
  • Keys
  • Experience Items
  • Arcana Dust
  • Treaty

Why is Darkling Forts better than Guards and Patrols?

Most beginners ask the question of which darkling unit is best to attack. Well, the right answer is that Darkling Forts is the best. It has some of the greatest rewards we don’t get easily. We have explained the two points that make Darkling Fort better than the guards, patrol, and creatures.

Better CP Exchange

The best point that makes darkling better is the number of command points needed for the attack. You might say that first needs 150 CP while guards and patrol need only 50, so this is better. We don’t see the reward we get from destroying a fort.

We need to attack patrols and guards three times to get to the number of CP forts needed. But even the three attacks on other darkling units benefit us as much as darkling forts. Hence, forts are better.

Better Rewards

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The other benefit of attacking darkling forts instead of guards or patrols is the reward of winning. Destroying forts gives us resources, experience, arcana dust, and the keys and treaties.

Treaty is far more important than any other prize from darkling. We need many of these; forts are the best way to get them.

Bottom Line

All the darkling units are the best ones, depending on what kind of a player you are. For free-to-play players, attacking the Darkling Forts Call of Dragons is pointless as they will not win. So they should focus on attacking the darkling patrols and guards and get stronger this way.

This article is a gold mine for the Call of Dragons player as it has all the valuable information you will need related to darkling units. So keep this information in mind and continue your progress in the game.

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